Official Methods of Analysis celebrates 100 years

This year marks a full century of publication for AOAC’s gold-standard compendium of methods, the Official Methods of AnalysisSM (OMA). Since its launch in 1920, the publication affectionately known as […]

AOAC will be participating in ILSI North America’s symposium on risk assessment of PFAS

AOAC’s Chief Science Officer Palmer Orlandi will be speaking at the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) North America’s virtual symposium on risk assessment of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in […]

AOAC Board approves update to organizational name and tag line

What does AOAC stand for? When newcomers first encounter AOAC, that’s one of their first questions. AOAC’s name once clearly reflected its mission; but all organizations evolve, and AOAC has […]


Founded in 1884 with our beginnings in the USDA and US FDA, AOAC INTERNATIONAL is an independent, non-profit membership association of analytical science professionals in government, industry, and academia worldwide. […]

AOAC Turns 139 Years Old

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, AOAC INTERNATIONAL will turn 139 years old. The Association of Agricultural Chemists officially became an organization on September 9, 1884, during the annual American Association […]

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Announces Michelangelo Anastassiades as the 2023 Wiley Award Winner

Internationally acclaimed pesticide residue chemist honored for outstanding contributions to analytical standards and methods FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Rockville, Maryland, February 15, 2023 — Dr. John Szpylka, President of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, […]

Women in Science

Increasingly, women are obtaining executive leadership roles, and in some cases, women are already more educated, getting higher pay, and leading world-changing organizations and initiatives than men. However, research still […]

Report out: Midyear Meeting 2021 activities

This blog was updated throughout the Midyear Meeting. The most recent updates are at the top. Quick links Friday – Networking Break sponsored by Abbott Nutrition, Food Authenticity Methods Meeting, […]

John Szpylka

Past-President, 2023 – 2024 John Szpylka is a retired analytical chemist with over 28 years of experience in the food industry and food testing arena. Most recently, John was the […]

Join AOAC – Benefits and Dues

AOAC INTERNATIONAL offers Individual, Organizational, and Student membership options. Retiree and Developing Nation discounts are also available. In 2019, AOAC adopted a new membership model to boost member value and […]